Monday, April 23, 2012

Deep Learning

The thing that I enjoyed most this week was Brother Williams explaining a study done called Deep Learning. He taught us that when we ask three types of questions we are being deep learners. The three types of questions are: Important, Intriguing, and just plain beautiful. Important questions are ones that, for me, are the ones that clear up confusion or just help to understand/comprehend  the material. Intriguing questions are ones that get me to think, to look deeper. To inspect at different levels and make new connections. And just plain beautiful ones, I think, are the ones that come from applying the important and intriguing questions into one. Just plain beautiful questions are the ones that just make you have to stop, slow down, and really think. All three questions invite the Holy Ghost, the teacher of truth.

The study said that when you apply these questions into your learning, change happens. When you really learn, you want to change, be better. As I've tried applying this principle to my classes, I've been more prepared, more eager to learn, and more eager to listen to my classmates. The classes haven't changed, but my attitude toward them definitely has.

Another way I tried applying this was in church yesterday. I had the opportunity to give the lesson in Relief Society and I taught the girls this principle, and asked them to apply it to their comments as well. Those amazing women did just what I asked and it was a beautiful thing. We each come from different lifestyles. We're all at the same school, but how each person got here is so different. There is so much to be learned from fellow classmates whether it's an intriguing question in math class, or a just plain beautiful comment in Family Relations. Change is going on all around us in classmates and ourselves. All anyone has to do is speak up.

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