Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Improving Marriages All Around

This week was very important; not particularly comfortable, but definitely necessary. We don't need to be a therapist to have to deal with issues regarding intimacy; we are faced with it everyday at school, in the media, etc. Many of my friends are at the point in their life of getting married and having children. Some of them are very open about their experiences prior to and after marriage, and sometimes they ask little ol' inexperienced me about my opinions. This week has been very eye opening on how damaging it can be in a relationship if couples do not communicate with each other. I was happy though when I looked back on a conversation with a friend who said to me, "It's really frustrating and we struggle with it, but we just laugh and work together." Those are the experiences that bond the couple, and they learn to work out issues in many other aspects of their marriage. I am just grateful for the examples I have in my life, both good and bad, of how working together is what makes a marriage happy.

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