Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I think perspective on anything in life can really change out attitude about the event for either the good or bad. This week we talked about crisis and what a crisis can do to an individual or family. The example of 2 deaths was shared and the effect it had on Brother William's family. One drove the family apart, and one brought them together and changed their life for the better. No matter how large or small a crisis is, or even a trial, there is always something to be gained from it. A woman in my ward was teaching a lesson last Sunday and she was telling us about her older sister and how she got in a car accident on her mission and could possibly pass away due to injuries. The woman told us that her initial response was, "this isn't fair. Becky is serving a mission for the Lord and he should have taken better care of her." To which her mom responded, "Joanne, we have had Becky in our home for 21 good years. If we lose her then there is no one better to take her. She is in the Lord's hands no matter what happens." That mother showed her daughter a powerful example and that woman in turn taught me a powerful lesson about perspective. We can either look at life as being completely unfair, and that God doesn't care about his children, Or we can stop and think about where this crisis fits into Heavenly Father's plan for them and for us. A crisis can happen at any time, but we determine the nature of the crisis. When we have an eternal perspective and keep our faith in Christ, we will have a perfect knowledge that all will be well in Christ who loves us.

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