Monday, July 16, 2012

Council With Your Councils

I really loved the lesson this week about communication. I especially loved talking about the Brethern's councils. I loved the steps they took and how we could apply those steps to conversations we have with people in any setting.
1. Speak love and gratitude.
2. Opening prayer.
3. Specific time and place.
4. Discuss until a consensus is met (not compromise)According to the Lord's will.
5. Specific Agenda.
6. Refreshments.
7. Closing prayer.
When we talked about it I thought to myself, "No wonder the Apostles are so wonderful and the church is so successful." I admire the Brethren so much and learning this made me appreciate them even more- they do so much. But the principle of this kind of council is powerful. I loved analyzing it in a marriage perspective- it gave me so much hope in my ability to effectively communicate. I am a very open and honest person and so I would love to have this type of council in my home with my spouse and with our children. I think that when love comes first each person feels loved and validated. Then opening with prayer to invite the Spirit and the Lord's will, I feel like nothing could go wrong.. Having it in the same place and time each week then it would prove that it is something very important to both of us. The specific agenda will make it effective and productive.  And the part I love most about this outline is the part of reaching a consensus according to the Lord's will. So many times I have seen compromise when neither party is really happy, and so talking and counciling with the spouse and the Lord to reach a decision together is powerful so that everyone is happy. Then the refreshment part makes me happy because one of the things I look forward to the most in marriage is being able to make treats for my husband so that part will just be fun. And last but not least, closing with the prayer to thank the Lord for having the spirit with us and being able to reach a decision. Learning about this council gave me hope. Communication is one of the most daunting aspects of marriage and this REALLY helped me and I feel like I now have the tools by which I can have a loving and open relationship in all aspects between myself, my husband, and the Lord.

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