Monday, July 16, 2012

Lessons for the future

I really enjoyed this week. I think parenting is probably the most daunting topic of the future. There is no book on parenting and so it's really just up to the parent to parent. Or so I thought.. All growing up I heard, "I hope you have a daughter just like you." Just to throw it out there- I was a pain in my parent's rear. I think all of us kids had our moments. But as I've grown up and matured and learned the importance and role of my parents, I've become a little nicer and learned to respect them and their rules a little more. I have great parents. I've learned many valuable lessons from them, and this class has helped me to become more aware of how much they really do for each of us. Yesterday I got to give a talk on service in Sacrament meeting. I talked about my mom because there is no one I know who better emulates service. After the meeting, a member of the Stake Presidency came and said to me, "I want you to go home and thank your mother. She is the kind of women we pray for each woman to become because they will change this world." I thought that was very profound. My mom has taught me many wonderful lessons growing up, and what that man said to me made me realize that I have nothing to fear in the future. I had a wonderful example to look up to, and I have faith in the Lord that he will help me. With those two things in mind, it's just as President Monson said, "The future is as bright as your faith."

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