Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Same Sex Struggles

This last week was very eye-opening for me. Five years ago I would have told you I never had encountered any one who considered themselves to be attracted to the same sex. There were those is high school who were teased about it, but no one actually came out and said they considered themselves gay. But today I would tell you that I know several people and families who are affected by same sex attraction.
I have a very close friend who just got home on his mission and told me his younger brother was not planning to serve because he was struggling with same sex attraction. I talked to my friend about his brother and he told me that it was very difficult on his family because for the first time in this young man's life he said he finally felt accepted and happy. He was one of the ones who was a little different in high school and who was teased fro having hobbies like sewing, and creating outfits. He always felt left out and different. His family said it was hard because he says he is so happy, but they know that what he is involved in is wrong. My friend tells me that as a family they pray for him every day and they do their best to love and support, not endorse, him while he goes through this trial.
I have learned a lot from my friend's experience. Their family is staying so strong and trying to help him remember who he is. After learning more about same sex attraction I will have a greater appreciation for my friend and his family and their example, and definitely more compassionate for them. I am grateful I am now more informed about how this happens so I can be more loving and more able to help people and their families who go through this. 

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