Tuesday, May 29, 2012


This week was really fun for me. Since I'm not yet married I took a particular interest in our topic of preparing for marriage.  I liked talking about the "Know Quo" -How well do you know who you know? I really liked the different parts of it: Talk, time, and togetherness. I've been in a couple relationships in my life and it was interesting comparing each one and doing it with the know quo perspective in mind. Some relationships just could not go any further because one of these three was out of balance. Whether it was him talking way too much about himself, or me talking way too much and he would not share a thing; or things moving faster than we were comfortable with; or long distance separating us, or just not enough time, no relationship has been lasting yet. There was one relationship I thought could have been, but I have since seen many reasons why it didn't. We talked about everything together. We had mutual conversations and several similarities. We spent a lot of time together and made time to see each other. Overall, we had a good relationship. It eventually ended because after dating for 5 months we decided it wasn't going any further. We did the things we were supposed to and it didn't work out. We have remained close friends since our breakup and since then I have learned so many things about him that I didn't know before. It was a big indication of how important time really is. No matter how much we talked and how much time we spent together, it takes time to see people in several different situations.
Overall, I know that many relationships don't work out. Sometimes it takes a broken heart before finding our eternal companions, but there is something to be learned from every relationships and in the end, it's all worth it.

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