Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Things That Count

Last week we talked about family class and culture. It was a really good week for me in that I got to take a nice look at my life and realize how truly blessed I am. When I watched the video, "Tammy's Story" my heart just broke for that woman. She made so many sacrifices and wanted to give her boys the very best, but she could only give what she had. When I was watching it, I was blown away at the disrespect her son had towards her, but as we talked about it all in class, the thought occurred to me that in many ways I was like her son. My parent's have a good steady income and we have been extremely blessed all my life. However, like many junior high school girls all that mattered to me was to fit in. I wanted to play all the sports, go to all the camps, have the newest clothes, the cutest shoes, the best hair, my own car, etc. I wanted everything that everyone else had. I can remember times saying I had nothing to wear and I my mom was going to feel so bad for me when I went to school in rags. In short we'll just say I was a little dramatic just like Tammy's son. I look back on those days and I could just kick myself for the way I treated my parents. We are a modest middle class family and we are very happy, we have our struggles but we get by. All my life I have been able to do many fun activities and I've never gone to school in rags, but I didn't get all the things I wanted and for that I am so deeply grateful. I got my first job my Sophomore year of high school and I've been earning my own money ever since. I've payed for most of my own school, my own car and car insurance, phone bill, etc. I've learned the value of hard work and the satisfaction that comes from earning something. Each time I get in my car I remind myself that I earned it so I need to take care of it. My parents taught me how to work and the happiness that comes from achieving goals like buying my first car, paying for college, and being able to do what it is within my means. There have been times when my mom and dad have payed my insurance, but I always try to help them around the house to repay them. I believe in hard work. I believe that we can be happy within our means, and at the end of the day, money matters very little. It's working together as a family to make things work that really counts.

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